Wednesday, July 13, 2011


July 13, 2011
"Do not attack people who are in more important positions than you are."

July 14, 2011
"Don't touch the pot when it's hot."

"Twist your tongue"

July 15, 2011
"Patience is a virtue"

"Keep the faith high!"

"In silence, I need peace"

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Enticing Camera

The busiest day among the week is Sunday! Have to travel 2 hours to the city for church then head to work after, mall after work if there is enough time and budget then head back home again. Home is boring but when the camera start seducing  the weary goes away. Clothes will then get crumpled, the place will be full of mess and the fan will start wheeling, of course, the make-ups will be of use once more.

The camera is in action, it perfectly spot my angles!